Archival Photos
Archival Photos - Frances Peacock
Frances Peacock (1903-1998) was an English teacher at Mather Academy from 1930 to 1950. She also taught at Boylan-Haven School (which merged with Mather in 1959) in Jacksonville, Florida in 1927.
Her documents dating from 1927-1937 are at the Emory University Manuscript, Archives and Rare Book Library (MARBL) in Atlanta, Georgia. They include correspondence, a transcript of a 1979 interview, and a photo scrapbook. The non-circulating collection is available for viewing at the library. For details and operating hours, click her photo shown at left. (1)
Presented here, with permission of the MARBL, are interview excerpts and some of the photos.
"On the Campus" (clockwise, from top left) - "Teachers," "Noontime," "Children" ("Virginia"); "Mr. Thompson starts to buy feed. A group decides to accompany him"; "Mrs. Pate"; and "When the peach trees were in bloom." (2)
Identified as "P" below, Ms. Peacock shares insight. (3)
(1, 2) Peacock photograph and Mather Academy Scrapbook page, Frances Eleanor Peacock papers, 1927-1937, Manuscript, Archives, and Rare Book Library, Emory University.
(3) Excerpt, A. Jon Magoon University of Delaware Interview Transcript, 1979, Frances Eleanor Peacock papers, 1927-1937, Manuscript, Archives, and Rare Book Library, Emory University.
Click image above to view in plain type.
Boylan-Haven-Mather Academy (Camden, SC) 1887-1983