The Property - Alumni efforts to preserve
1984 . . . .
A task group of the S.C. United Methodist Church Conference seeks suggestions and proposals from interested parties regarding the use of Mather's buildings and property for recommendation to the Women's Division. Claflin College, Orangeburg, S.C., also a Methodist-supported school, proposes a 12-month college prep school, but later withdraws, suggesting that Claflin receive proceeds from Mather's sale. The NAA, under President James Clyburn ('57), establishes a task force to explore other possibilities, including raising funds for an endowment.
1986 . . . .
Under the leadership of President Eddie McGirt ('40),
the NAA asks the Women's Division to donate the
property. The request is denied.
(Photos Above and Below) Prayer service at Browning Home's brick portal, circa 1993.
(Photo Above) Former president Eddie McGirt makes a point during a Summit meeting.
Here is a summary of efforts by the BHMA National Alumni Association (NAA) to save the property and obtain a memorial:
1990 . . . .
The NAA forms a subsidiary, the Mather Development Corporation (MDC), which proposes to purchase the land for $290,000 --- an amount higher than the appraised value of $145,000, but lower than the Board's asking price of $1.2 million. The Board refuses. The MDC also submits an architect's drawing for a retirement community to be built on the property. The Board does not respond.
1993 . . . .
In April, all of the school's buildings --- Browning Home, Bryan Hall, and the cross-shaped school building --- are torn down by order of the Board. The reason: having to pay citations issued by the Camden Fire Department, which declared the empty buildings a fire hazard after a sprinkler system froze, burst and remained unrepaired.
1994 . . . .
The Board takes the land off the market.
1995 . . . .
The Board enters into a contract with Colettt and Associates, a shopping center developer from Charlotte, NC, for an unknown sum.
Boylan-Haven-Mather Academy (Camden, SC) 1887-1983
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