Reunion Photos
Reunion Photo
2011 - Camden, SC
(Class of 1961 Golden
Celebration, May 20-22)
The BHMA Class of 1961 returned to Camden to celebrate its 50th anniversary, May 20-22, 2011.
Fourteen of the 40 graduates made it, travelling from California, Colorado, Georgia, Maryland, Michigan, Nevada, New Jersey, North Carolina and South Carolina.
They were joined part of the time by two former teachers, Mrs. Shirley (Miller) Garrett and Mrs. Alethia (Richardson) Porter. Matherites from nearby class years ‘58, ‘59, ‘60, ‘62, and ‘65 also dropped by.
Activities included sales of Mather-era pictures and artwork on Friday, a poolside picnic on Saturday, and worship Sunday at the Camden First United Methodist (formerly Trinity). They also reconnected with Mr. McClester, who owned a service station across the street from Mather, and with Ruby Minton ('52).
During the banquet Saturday night at the Robert Mills Courthouse, the classmates themselves served as guest speakers, having fun with "Can or Do You Remember?".
Carrie Sinkler-Parker said this was the first time anyone had been back to Camden since graduating on May 28, 1961.
Seated (l-r): Carrie Sinkler-Parker, Frances Nelson Hooks, Joyce Vaughn Cummings, Brenda Burton Webb, Phyliss Gail Douglas Faggett, Betty Haygood Williams, Barbara Mack Jones and Barbara J. Buie. Standing (l-r): Moses P. Robertson, Jr., Kenneth W. Washington, Hayes F. Samuels, Jr., David A. Sanders, James K. Alford and Marion Brown. This photo is also on the Facebook page of the Kershaw County Chamber of Commerce, which provided reunion assistance.
Boylan-Haven-Mather Academy (Camden, SC) 1887-1983